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 A breddah comments
A brief history of Kweyol (Patwa)
Afro-Reggae Music in Berlin

A manager's dream band

A profile of RV's contributing writers
A typical Reggae fan...
Berlin DJs & Sounds

Berlin ... the Desert and the oases inside

Cadence guitar & keyboard techniques
Can Reggae be sold?
DJs and bands, the unknown link
Dreadest Dreaditorial
Drums of War
Dub and there an outer connection?
Dub International
Emtee Slutty Veedeeohs
"Ethnic" and "World" Music.. What do these terms really mean?
Eureggae - is that a style or what?
German Reggae bands
How to cross over the Mainstream

How to play Cadence on a Drumset
Inside the internet
Is it Raggae or Reggae?
Ital food in Berlin
Ital Food? In the Supamaakit?
Kwéyòl Lesson #2
Kwéyol Lesson #3
Local Profile...Berlin Artists
Local profile...Sounds and DJs from de city
Local Runnings
Local Runnings Update
Local vibes and connections
Managers, Damagers, Promoters
More on RAW forwarding the Reggae vibe
More RAW Facts
Music and Politics - are they compatible?
Music as medicine and the Bush Dr.'s role
New Music Tricknology
News from the local scene
Other Caribbean Musics
Politics and Reggae Lyrics...up to what point?
Pre-Wall-Fall music scene in the East...Where was the REGGAE ??
R.A.W. Facts - how it all started
Reggae & Ganjah... is there a line of separation?

Reggae and Ganja today
Reggae and Rap... Black Musics, but....
Reggae and Vegetarianism - Do they go together?
Reggae Engineers, Technicians and Producers..a mental overview..
Reggae Live ... Berlin's up and coming Dubbers
Reggae today... where is JAH?

Roots Reggae Revival
Roots Reggae Surviving in difficult times
Roots remain underground
Samples on the roots-reggae stage..

Show Biz ...Ras Biz JAH Biz
Sistaz speak out
Summer ... Berlin Style
Surviving the daily and yearly hype
The Black & White Reggae Community
The DUB time warp effect
The future fate of Media orientated Musick!!!!!
The Internet as Properganda Medium
The Kweyol alphabet
The most natural medicine
The Musician as an Entertainer
The mystical theory behind Reggae
The popular re-emergence of "live" studio recording..
The Real Music
The Reggae Drummer Shortage
The Return of full force!!! (Vol.5-8)

The Return of Dub in full force (Vol 4-7)
The Rise of Turntableism
The term Afro-Deutsche... a close look at
The (un)changing attitude of Mass Media

The War on Poverty...awaiting a Declaration
The year 2000 in review
Things Hot!!!
Tips for Reggae Visitors
Tommy Haus.. home to whom??
Touloulou interviews Ras Perez
Touloulou interviews Ras Perez ( 2nd Meeting )
True Democracy
TWH - A Short History
TWH today
VSORAs Very Special Ordinary Reggae Artists
Wanted..Cadence Riddim guitarists
Watering the Roots of Reggae
Where is the Rastaman?
Why is Ganjah still a "criminal" plant?
Why are so many reggae musicians "unknown"?
Why the music "industry" is suffering
Why they are banning certain artists...
'05/06...a pre and review
1996 in review
21st Century Rasta
2002 in Rastrospect

Since 1997 Ras Perez started with topics like "Can Reggae be sold?" and "Inside the Internet" as Editor of the publication ROOTICAL VIBES. The magazine gave an insider perspective of the local Reggae scene and the runnings in the modern music market.

In 2003 ROOTICAL VIBES became an E-Zine in order to reach more readers and make connections to the worldwide Reggae community of artists and supporters.

The first Rootical
Rootical Vibes #2
Rootical Vibes Magazine
Rootical Vibes Logo
Vibes  Logo #5
Magazine title
Berlin Vibes
Header Rootical Vibes
Berlin Reggae News
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Reggae Berlin
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Berlin Vibes
Vibes Berlin
Berlin Rootical Vibes
Rootical Vibes # 19
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